this feels like a lightning bolt in my brain! I've been having similar thoughts about the structure of mental illness/infirmity as a social category and how racialized/immigrant characteristics are similarly fuzzily treated as infirm within a racial hegemony. I do not know if a similar framework would be useful in describing this phenomenon, but it has set me abuzz with thoughts!

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enlightening. i've been having similar thoughts lately - that the real gendered interactions take place between "proper men/women" and "deviants". this is a more complete analysis.

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This just put words to the massive shift I’ve been experiencing as a newly out trans guy currently in the process of crossing through the nexus of non-passing faggotry for the first time. This is brilliant, thank you for this framework, I’ll be thinking about it daily.

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Very interesting and I feel there's a link with what you propose and transmisogyny (especially Jules Gill-Peterson's book "The History of Transmisogyny").

Transmisogyny could be involved in the process of Faggotization.

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This is an incredible article and had pushed me interest into materialist feminism further

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this is brilliant! i think i need to read this article a few more times to let this sink in properly, but what you're saying makes a lot of sense and is a well-structured, concise analysis

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I just want to comment about materialist feminism. IMO I've become convinced disability is the most accurate analogy to queerness rather than colonization. Disability is a social construct rooted in the reserve pool of labor (commonly identified with the lumpen). Gender is rooted in the social division of labor in the family: reproductive labor, domestic labor and sexual labor. Queerness is then a kind of "lumpengender" rooted in the reserve pools of domestic, sexual and reproductive labor. Much of queerphobia is then a reaction to people who are not able to afford to raise kids being demoted to the reserve pool of reproductive labor. Disability is not separate from queerness both changing with the economic conditions.

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The other side of the coin of increasing acceptance of queerness is rooted in a drive to increase reproductive labor and produce more kids in a system where most are too poor to afford it.

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Hi, I just wanted to say that I think this is a very thoughtful and provocative framing and one that I personally would want to think more deeply about before making strong endorsements or criticisms but that I find as genuinely compelling and valuable. Thank you for sharing your perspective, I think it is genuinely a very enriching contribution.

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Thanks, I suppose "Empire of Normality" by Robert Chapman, "Health Communism" by Artie Vierkant and Beatrice Adler-Bolton (haven't finished yet), "The Dangerous Class" by Clyde Barrow have been some of my main influences here. I've mainly been trying to figure out the incel to trans pipeline stuff. I have a big reading list here https://acidmasculinity.github.io/

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Surely, Power is the father (Patriarchy), Non-Power is the mother (Feminism), and the Subaltern is the child (Neuroqueers)? /hj

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Also, hence the question asked of homosexuals "but who is the man and the woman in the relationship?"

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